Friday, July 15, 2011

What is it like to be pregnant with twins?

I thought I might answer some of the common questions I get asked.....and I thought I would start at the very beginning.  I've already written about the emotional side of being preggers with my twinnies but failed to mention what it felt like physically (other than the panic attacks during scans!).

Morning Sickness:
I had really bad morning sickness from 5-15weeks.  Have you ever had gastro?  Well, that's exactly what it felt like except you add an intense feeling of starvation.  It's a vicious cycle of:  I'm sick, I'm starving, I eat, I feel better, now I'm sick and need to throw up, now I've thrown up I'm starving and feel sick, I eat.....etc. 

Pelvic Pain:
I had Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction from 9 weeks gestation till the girls were about 3 months old.  Basically my pelvis moved around too much. It was excruciating!!!  My pelvic area felt like two bones were grating on each other and not playing happy families.  I did physio and couldn't walk very far let alone exercise.

Muscle Weakening:
I was basically sedentary due to the pelvic pain so after I gave birth I had lost a lot of muscle in my legs.  I couldn't get up off the floor for months and a walk around the block felt like a marathon.

Stretch Marks:
I got a lot of them.....everywhere.....

Multi-baby kicking:
It really did feel like a party was going on in there.  Most of the time it was good fun but sometimes it was extremely uncomfortable and made it difficult to sleep.

Weight gain:
I put on 20kg and I have slowly lost the weight over the past 18 months.  I still have 1.5kg to go though.

Wow - it really sounds horrible doesn't it?  There are a lot of people out there with much worse experiences and there are a lot out there that would give anything to be pregnant so I can't complain!  I just thought I would be honest and tell it as it is.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! That is frightening! When I read the first one - "morning sickness" - I thought yes I've had gastro and its terrible so morning sickness must be horrible. But then when I read "Pelvic Pain" sounds excruciating! I am so proud of you :)
